The Sixth Holy Night
DECEMBER 30, 2006
The sixth "Soul Quality" that Lynn Jericho invites us to contemplate is Fluidity.
Lynn writes, "Tonight we go from the solid certainty of our inner mountain to our inner beach where we can study the fluidity of our soul seas. There are three aspects of fluidity in our souls to contemplate: flow, float and pulse... How do your thoughts and feelings flow through your soul?...Tonight sense flowing, floating and pulsing as you fall into sleep. Dream gracefully."
I write...
_Waters flow..._
_Flow from the mountains of my soul,_
_fresh, pure, crystal sweetness,_
_thirst quenching soul music_
_as it rushes to the open arms of the sea..._
_Where I float on the surface of endless water,_
_held as an ever moving,_
_a rocking of soothing pleasure,_
_life pulsing above and below me,_
_taking on a rhythm like a dancer,_
_a water dancer,_
_moving from land to sea,_
_sea to land,_
_like the waves,_
_like the rain,_
_like the beat of my heart,_
_the pulsing in my veins,_
_the pull of the moon on the tides of my body_
_ever shifting and shaping_
_to the pulse of life,_
_rising and falling,_
_to rise again, and again..._
© Lea Goode-Harris
December 30th, 2006