The Tenth Holy Night
JANUARY 4, 2007
The tenth "Soul Quality" that Lynn Jericho invites us to contemplate is Fucundity.
Another word that is new to my vocabulary!!! Lynn writes, "Rich, abundant productive fertility - this is the soul's fecundity. In our souls live all the creative forces and resources of spirit and matter. Our souls always have been and always will be fecund....Our souls' fecundity lives with both the frustration of limitations and challenges and the hunger for them. As we mature in our self-development, we also learn consciously and willingly to set limitations and seek challenges to our fecundity."
I write,
_There is only stillness,_
_no outward movement,_
_only the candlelight_
_filling the silence,_
_the stopping,_
_allowing there to be a pause,_
_with no need to express,_
_is all that matters..._
© Lea Goode-Harris
January 3, 2007