The Third Holy Night ~ The Gift of A Visit
DECEMBER 27, 2011
_You came in a dream…_
_Walking down the vineyard lane,_
_your smile lighting a fire at the core of my being_
_as I remember_
_what it is like to drink in…_
_the rich soil_
_of ancient vines,_
_the alchemy of fermentation_
_and bare branches of Winter…_
_To taste…_
_tiny fisted promises_
_of plump and juicy orbs,_
_to hear…_
_once again your laugh_
_and the way you offered me bubbles_
_in a long, cool cylinder of glass_
_where even now I can see…_
_the reflection of who I might become_
_as you cooked me dinner,_
_feeding me when I was oh so vulnerable…_
_You took such care_
_to ease my fragile pain_
_and awaken those plumed_
_echoes of fireworks,_
_the scent…_
_of sulfur rising from ashes_
_like the wings of the phoenix_
_from ages before when I was just a whisper…_
_of a child…_
_In this moment,_
_I remember the awakening touch…_
_of your gift of friendship_
_in this Winter’s dark night visit…_
From my dream on December 21-22, 2011
This post was inspired by [Lynn Jericho's Eighth Year of Inner Christmas]( ~The Twelve Gifts. This is my offering for the third gift ~ the gift of a visit.