This Red Thread...
OCTOBER 27, 2008
_Threads of red_
_weave my wrist_
_and settle,_
_into the palm of my hand..._
_to the women,_
_mothers daughters sisters_
_grandmothers aunties_
_bountiful wisdom_
_in space and time_
_singing in my heart_
_as I sit in Fall,_
_the cool, foggy morning_
_wrapping around me…_
_this portal,_
_this path home_
_winding with this red thread_
_into life…_
Photo: Saffron threads in my hand from the saffron crocus blooming in our Fall garden... red thread on my wrist from the [Cosmic Cowgirls Bountiful Conference]( with Shilo Sophia McCloud; Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy~aka SARK, Caterina Rondo, Dori Etter, Mary MacDonald, Caren McCloud, Sue Hoyas Sellars; and all the amazing women who attended!