DECEMBER 27, 2008
I love when the traditions of this time of the year
overlap and weave together...
one of the eight nights
of the Hannukah candles burning low...
Creating a "heart~mandala" alter
for our labyrinth dedicated to the "Need for Nature"
for one of Lynn Jericho's
["Twelve Holy Nights of Inner Christmas..."](
Watching for the birth of the Christ consciousness...
"the sun" returning to earth,
providing us with an opportunity
for the opening of our hearts
to self, family and community, and to the world...
So our light,
and our gifts to the world can grow and nurture
the joy of the our soul...
becoming sparks of light along this path we walk into life...
even on the darkest night of the new moon...
Photos: My husband's menorah- with stone from Israel; labyrinth heart mandala; one of my miniature creches, celebrating the birth of Christ; friends gathered round the fire pit at the center of the labyrinth- a recent design and installation at a private residence in Oakland.