Wonder Dust
AUGUST 21, 2007
This little purse...
from the magical faerie castle...
Is filled with wonder dust...
It slips easily into your imagination
so you can take it anywhere...
planes, trains, automobiles,
or into the quiet or bustle of your own home...
you can sprinkle the contents anywhere you like...
on children, partners, your garden,
creative art making or paperwork...
on your house, apartment, sleeping bag,
the ocean or town square,
on animals ~ large and small...
on those hurting~
needing a hug, or a bit of magic in their lives...
you can sprinkle it on yourself, anytime, anywhere...
If the purse design is not quite to your taste...
it metamorphoses into the shape,
color, and texture that best fits **_you_**...
It never empties... like love, it is always full
and so delighted to come away with you into life...
Where, oh where, will you sprinkle wonder dust today???
_This magic purse filled with wonder dust, is for you dear readers, and for [Corey](http://willows95988.typepad.com/), [Mary, Denise, Renee, Alma](http://willows95988.typepad.com/tongue_cheek/2007/08/my-godmother--1.html), [Shelley](http://willows95988.typepad.com/tongue_cheek/2006/08/shelley_living_.html), [Ulla](http://ullam.typepad.com/), [Nicole](http://nicolsayre.typepad.com/nicol_sayre/2007/08/a-fairytale.html), and [Annie](http://annielockhart.typepad.com/isla/2007/08/the-seashe-beck.html)...for you **all, **readers, commentors, and persons named... are a wealth of inspiration and friendship that I so appreciate..._